IBEW Pathway Project
Project Location
!!!NEW!!! The locals have initiated a quarterly re-sign for the Pathways Project books. If you have registered prior to March 25, 2024 and would like to remain active on the out of work list, please fill out the registration form. You will have from today till 4pm on Friday, April 19, 2024 to submit the form and keep your place on the list. The list will be purged after 4pm, April 19, 2024.
Local 111 will be the central dispatch local. All manpower request will go through local 111 and be dispatched off of the Pathways Project Books.
You can check manpower request at Local 111's Job Board between 4pm and 7am.
If you are interested in one of the calls you call (303) 398-7348 between 4pm and 7am and clearly state your name, phone number, classification, and that you are interested in a Pathway Project job.
Register for the Pathway Project
Colorado’s Power Pathway is a $2 billion investment to improve the state’s electric grid and enable future renewable energy development around the state. Colorado’s Power Pathway will increase electric reliability, boost the regional economy and create jobs during construction.
The system will span fourteen counties, primarily in eastern Colorado, and include:
Approximately 610 miles of new double-circuit transmission line
Five new and three expanded substations
First segments in-service by 2025, with other segments complete in 2026 and 2027